The fructose-dependent acceleration of ethanol metabolism

Villalobos-García, D., Ayhllon-Osorio, C. A., & Hernández-Muñoz, R. (2021). The fructose-dependent acceleration of ethanol metabolism. Biochemical Pharmacology, 188, 114498. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2021.114498


The aim of the present study was to elucidate how fructose is able to increase the rate of ethanol metabolism in the liver, an observation previously termed the fructose effect. Previous studies suggest that an increase in ATP consumption driven by glucose synthesis from fructose stimulates the oxidation of NADH in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, allowing faster oxidation of ethanol by alcohol dehydrogenase; however, this idea has been frequently challenged. We tested the effects of fructose, sorbose and tagatose both in vitro and in vivo. Both ethanol and each sugar were either added to isolated hepatocytes or injected intraperitoneally in the rat. In the in vitro experiments, samples were taken from the hepatocyte suspension in a time-dependent manner and deproteinized with perchloric acid. In the in vivo experiments, blood samples were taken every 15 min and the metabolites were determined in the plasma. These metabolites include ethanol, glucose, glycerol, sorbitol, lactate, fructose and sorbose. Ethanol oxidation by rat hepatocytes was increased by more than 50% with the addition of fructose. The stimulation was accompanied by increased glucose, glycerol, lactate and sorbitol production. A similar effect was observed with sorbose, while tagatose had no effect. The same pattern was observed in the in vivo experiments. This effect was abolished by inhibiting alcohol dehydrogenase with 4-methylpyrazole, whereas inhibition of the respiratory chain with cyanide did not affect the fructose effect. In conclusion, present results provide evidence that, by reducing glyceraldehyde and glycerol and fructose to sorbitol, respectively, NADH is consumed, allowing an increase in the elimination of ethanol. Hence, this effect is not linked to a stimulation of mitochondrial re-oxidation of NADH driven by ATP consumption.

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