Ordered-domain unfolding of thermophilic isolated β subunit ATP synthase

López-Pérez E; de Gómez-Puyou MT; Nuñez CJ; Zapién DM; Guardado SA; Beltrán HI; Pérez-Hernández G (2023). Ordered-domain unfolding of thermophilic isolated ? subunit ATP synthase PROTEIN SCI 32 (7)


The flexibility of the ATP synthase's β subunit promotes its role in the ATP synthase rotational mechanism, but its domains stability remains unknown. A reversible thermal unfolding of the isolated β subunit (Tβ) of the ATP synthase from Bacillus thermophilus PS3, tracked through circular dichroism and molecular dynamics, indicated that Tβ shape transits from an ellipsoid to a molten globule through an ordered unfolding of its domains, preserving the β-sheet residual structure at high temperature. We determined that part of the stability origin of Tβ is due to a transversal hydrophobic array that crosses the β-barrel formed at the N-terminal domain and the Rossman fold of the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), while the helix bundle of the C-terminal domain is the less stable due to the lack of hydrophobic residues, and thus the more flexible to trigger the rotational mechanism of the ATP synthase.

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